People half quoting Scripture do it for a reason, usually to further a lie or false teaching. View PDF Here I created this tutorial to assist you in getting familiar with the software.Future Additions (place names linked to interactive map), more quality modules).Hundreds of photos of places and things from the Holy Land.Hundreds of books in the general library (all resources are in the public domain or have author’s permission).Numerous Bible Dictionaries and Lexicons (some in Spanish).Quickly search in any language including Hebrew and Greek – even Chinese.Comes with over 100 Bibles including (English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese).
“Provide top quality software to aid fellow believers in the teaching and proclamation of God’s Word free of charge.”theWord (TW) is an extremely professional and powerful computer program comparable to high priced programs such as Logos ($600 – $1000) and Accordance ($1000 – $2000). Created by Costas Stergiou (an Evangelical Greek believer) His Vision: